This morning, while chatting with my sister, I was reminded of this question we get asked on dates all the time, and we both had a good laugh. (#3. Did you raise your voice when the bartender came over, or did you just keep speaking?)—Joanna
PSA: Old Navy dresses are so great right now. The simple silhouettes make them feel timeless. I especially love this effortless denim dress that has a Frank & Eileen vibe. — Joanna
The tomatoes are ripe now. What are you going to do with them? If you need some inspiration, here are five ideas. Clockwise: My Sister’s Griddled Cheese Salad, Lazy Ratatouille, The Perfect Tomato Sandwich, and Corn and Tomato Stew with Sausage. — Joanna
Emiliano is my second baby and when he doesn’t sleep or eat I find myself googling “what to do with my baby”! So, have you tried Lovevery’s play kits? The kits contain beautiful toys that support your baby’s development at every stage. Plus, they’re full of play ideas and come with a guide explaining how each toy can help your baby learn new skills. At the moment Emiliano is obsessed with The Sensor Play Kit. I love watching him spend longer tummy time looking at this tummy toy and practicing grabbing and pulling the fabric from this magical tissue box. You can find all the play kits with toys for newborns to 4 year olds here. — Jannelle
We’re thrilled that Tim Walz has been selected as Kamala Harris’ running mate. We’ve received some amazing messages from CoJ readers: “I live in Minnesota and he’s such an amazing guy,” says Erin. Josie adds, “As Minnesotans, we love Tim Walz and we’re so excited.” And best of all, here’s a message from Rachel: “Mr. Walz was my high school geography teacher and he led our football team to a state championship my senior year. I couldn’t stop crying this morning.” — Cup of Jo Team
PS More fun stuff, and a playlist of great covers.
Note: If you buy something through our links, at no cost to you, we may earn an affiliate commission. We only recommend products we genuinely love. Thank you!
(Photo by Tim Waltz, photo by Michelle Griffith/Minnesota Reformer. This post is sponsored by Loveberry Playkit, a brand our editors love and use with their babies and toddlers. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Cup of Joe.)
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