In an era of packaged foods, increased stress, sedentary lifestyles and a shift away from traditional health habits, chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver and cancer are on the rise.
According to the CDC, 6 in 10 U.S. adults have a chronic disease, and 4 in 10 suffer from two or more chronic diseases. With over 100 million Americans living with prediabetes or diabetes, 50 million with autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis, and one-third of Americans living with high blood pressure, it’s time to seriously re-examine our modern lifestyles. Returning to our roots and adopting some of the habits followed by our ancestors could have a life-changing effect on our health.
Healthy habits our ancestors followed:
Get up early
Our ancestors woke up with the sun and went to bed when the sun set. Their sleep schedules were in tune with circadian rhythms. Since they were in tune with nature, it is no wonder that they were in good health and faced no threat of chronic diseases. Waking up early provides people with various health benefits. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, targeting sleep as a lifestyle modification can reduce the risk of many life-threatening and life-altering diseases.
Eat a diverse diet
Eating whole foods helped our ancestors live healthy, disease-free lives. They ate foods that were free of refined sugar, salt, harmful chemicals and preservatives. Processed foods are prevalent in today’s diet, and many of us eat them in some form on a daily basis. It’s no wonder that these foods are linked to an increased risk of autoimmune diseases, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and blood pressure. Eating nutritious foods like dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts and seeds, and herbs and spices all have positive effects on health.
Spend time in nature
Our ancestors spent most of their time in natural environments, benefiting from sunlight and fresh air. People moved naturally to do farm work, tend livestock, and do other chores, so deliberate movement and exercise were not necessary. Spending even 30 minutes each day in nature can help you feel more energized, better absorb nutrients, and balance your hormones.
Before technological advancements and the advent of gadgets, boredom was a natural part of life. Kids played with whatever they could get their hands on, from coins to mud. Their brains had more opportunities to engage in creative thinking and problem solving. Today, we prefer doomscrolling to “doing nothing”, which doesn’t allow our brains to have free thought. Being constantly glued to a screen actually makes our minds dull and unconstructive.
Sit less and move more
We spend more time sitting than moving, and this is reflected in our overall health. From metabolic disorders to stress-related issues, our physical and mental health has declined over the past few decades. To overcome the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, it’s important to get up from your chair or couch whenever possible, watch your posture, and walk or take the stairs.
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