My Little Life is a desktop companion that allows players to see the lives of small human characters at the bottom of the computer screen. In My Little Life, players can expand and decorate their character’s home. The character takes care of their needs, works on their career, interacts with other characters, and participates in recreational activities such as socializing. In My Little Life, players can see the lives of multiple characters. This may sound similar to games such as The Sims. However, the premise of My Little Life is quite different, and while the game itself is effectively played out and players are free to do other things, the various career possibilities are also different. While careers in The Sims 4 are all about going to work, My Little Life takes a rather different stance on the range of work-from-home careers.
In a recent interview with Game Rant, My Little Life solo developer Stevis (Stevie) Andrea spoke about the different career options as the game tries to create a relaxing and unobtrusive experience. Andrea explained how players can have multiple characters and also talked about other NPCs.
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My Little Life’s Work-From-Home Career Approach
Andrea began by explaining why she chose work-from-home careers for My Little Life, rather than the typical 9-to-5 jobs in the gaming industry. Andrea explained that these careers are essential for the character to always be on-screen, which isn’t necessarily the case in a game like The Sims, where careers and time work differently.
“I haven’t felt the need to fast forward in time yet because I hate how in The Sims, when you have two characters and one goes off to work, they literally disappear for hours while you focus on the other character. That doesn’t happen in this game. Every career I’ve ever chosen is work-from-home.”
Andrea added that work-from-home careers also help her juggle the needs of her My Little Life character, who is primarily looking after herself and doing what she wants, which is somewhat different from most life simulation games, where the player is in control most of the time. Andrea also went into detail about how career progression and time will actually work:
“Better food and better baths mean less time to focus on your needs and more time to work, but not if you don’t leave the house. Not having to leave the house means you don’t have to fast forward in time.”
My Little Life career options and secondary characters
Focusing on careers in My Little Life, Andrea said “any career you can imagine that you can do from home” is possible. This includes roles such as artist, writer, streamer, scientist, etc. Furthermore, the more a character works on a career, the higher their status will increase, the more opportunities they will have for promotion, and the more money they will have to buy the things they need for their home.
Andrea spoke about how, once the player “places the right combination of items,” they will be able to recruit other characters in addition to their initial character. The character can also leave their cozy home and interact with other characters. In fact, players can even create sub-characters and set up separate zones for them to live together depending on the player’s choices.
There are also various NPCs that the character can interact with, such as the postman and neighbors, “as well as fun interactions with other characters.” On top of that, there are various viewing options, such as a camera mode that follows any character the player wishes, allowing for even more ways to observe the development of these little characters. Overall, in today’s busy work lifestyles where gaming time is often limited, My Little Life looks like a fun and relaxing idle game that players can interact with for as long or as short as they like.
My Little Life is currently in development.