Toolstation’s gardening experts have revealed the garden rules you need to be careful not to break.
Some of these laws can carry fines of up to £20,000 in extreme cases, but amicable discussion with your neighbour can usually resolve the issue.
Tree Removal and Pruning: If you have a tree in your yard that you would like to remove, it is best to give it some thought and research.
Gardening experts reveal: “If one neighbour wants to cut down or drastically prune a tree that another neighbour values, disputes can arise over the impact on views, shade and privacy.”
It may be cause for dispute but if it is within your property boundaries then ultimately the choice is yours unless a tree preservation order has been issued.
“However, some trees are protected by tree protection ordinances and it may be illegal to uproot, cut down or destroy them,” experts warn.
Fines for breaching this law can be up to £20,000, so make sure you double-check if you have a TPO.
Contact your local city hall to obtain a map with this information, or you can speak to your local tree ranger.
Property lines and fences: One of the main causes of rifts between neighbours is arguments over property lines and fences.
To avoid this situation, gardening pros recommend checking your land title deed to determine the correct boundaries.
“In most cases, it is easy to identify who owns the fence as the fence posts are usually on the owner’s side,” they added.
“Furthermore, it could cause disputes between neighbours if one side feels that a fence or hedge height exceeds the two metre guideline.
“Hedges and fences should be no more than two metres high and can be asked by the council to remove them if neighbours complain about their height.”
“Luckily, a standard fence is less than two metres high so there shouldn’t be a problem.”
Garden Structures and Additions: If you want a shady place to relax, a pergola is a great addition to your garden.
But like any shed or other garden structure, it can become a source of conflict if it blocks a neighbor’s view or violates local building regulations.
“If you’re unsure, speak to your neighbours and let them know your plans, and if there are any issues, contact your local council who can give you more advice,” gardening experts advise.
Overhanging branches and plants: “Branches, vines and roots from a neighbour’s trees or plants that extend onto an adjacent property can lead to disputes over damage to properties, obstructed views and high maintenance costs,” experts say.
However, it is important to remember that overhanging branches can only be pruned up to the property line – beyond the line could be considered trespassing.
You can climb trees to carry out work if necessary, but make sure you only do so on your own property, and if you don’t have permission to enter your neighbor’s yard, be sure to stay on your own side of the fence.