A new study suggests that your home address may determine your chances of being diagnosed with dementia.
Researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School analyzed Medicare claims for nearly 5 million seniors in community health markets across the country, focusing on areas with higher rates of diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
The researchers found that in areas with higher diagnostic rates (called “diagnostic intensity”), residents were twice as likely to realize they had the disease, especially among people aged 66 to 74 and black and Hispanic groups.
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“The number of people receiving a formal diagnosis varies by region,” Dr. Julie Bynum, a researcher and professor in the department of internal medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School and lead author of the study, told Fox News Digital.
“These differences relate to the number of people who actually have dementia and depend on risk factors such as age, race and risk of cardiovascular disease, but these population characteristics do not explain all the differences in the proportion of people diagnosed.”
A study from researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School found that where you live may determine your chances of being diagnosed with dementia. (iStock)
Bynum said certain health system factors could play a role, such as accessibility to care and the availability of clinicians with experience in diagnosing and caring for people with dementia.
Healthcare markets with the highest rates of dementia diagnosis include Texas (McAllen, Wichita Falls, Harlingen), Miami, Florida; Lake Charles, Louisiana; Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Montgomery), Michigan (Detroit, Dearborn, Royal Oak), Oxford, Mississippi, and New York (Bronx, Manhattan).
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Bynum said he wasn’t at all surprised by the findings.
She said she expected to find differences in rates of formal diagnosis based on how clinics and individual doctors typically respond to patients with cognitive concerns.

New research suggests that access to care and the availability of clinicians with experience in diagnosing and caring for people with dementia may influence diagnosis rates. (iStock)
“What was unexpected was that the locations of areas with high and low diagnostic density did not follow the pattern of locations with high population disease burden,” she said.
“I would have expected that in areas where dementia is a bigger problem, there would be more efforts to get these people into care homes.”
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Dr Licia Newman, senior director of health services research at the Alzheimer’s Association, who was not involved in the study, said it highlighted regional disparities in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
“This suggests that unless health systems, payers and governments make intentional efforts to promote equitable access to diagnostics, these disparities will continue to grow,” she told Fox News Digital.
Overcoming diagnostic barriers
Based on the study’s findings, Bynum said people who are worried about a family member’s cognitive decline may need to make a “special effort” to communicate their concerns to their doctor.
“Part of the problem is that this concern gets overlooked amongst all the other things that older people and doctors deal with, and it can be hard for doctors to sort out complaints about cognitive function,” she told Fox News Digital.

People who are worried about cognitive decline in their family members may need to make a “special effort” to communicate their concerns to their doctor, the researchers said. (iStock)
“Furthermore, we should all encourage our local health systems to develop the capacity to meet the needs of our burgeoning population through clinical and support programs.”
Newman said younger people and people from “historically underrepresented ethnic and racial groups” are at higher risk of being underdiagnosed.
“We know that there are barriers to early and accurate diagnosis of dementia at all levels,” she said.
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“A range of issues emerged, from stigma and lack of awareness of signs and symptoms to barriers to accessing care, including health insurance coverage, distance to clinics, and lack of transportation or companionship.”
Newman said he hopes studies like this one will inspire efforts to raise awareness of early warning signs and encourage individuals to discuss their concerns with their health care providers.
“Barriers to early and accurate diagnosis of dementia exist at every level.”
Educational programs and interventions can also increase the likelihood of receiving a timely dementia diagnosis, she added.
“After all, an accurate diagnosis is the first step to appropriate treatment and care.”
Potential limitations
Bynum noted that one of the limitations of the study is that the researchers could not determine whether the diagnosis rate was “too high or too low” based on their data alone.
“We can only say whether it’s higher or lower than the national average,” she said.
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“We need to know the actual number of people living with dementia in each community, but measuring that would be hugely expensive.”
But Bynum said the approach could help researchers understand how difficult it is to get a formal diagnosis in different areas.

“We should all encourage our local health systems to develop the capacity to meet the needs of our rapidly growing population through clinical and supportive programs,” the dementia expert said. (iStock)
“Studies based on claims data always have limitations,” Newman noted.
“Claims data only relates to individuals who have received treatment, or in this case a diagnosis, so it excludes people who may be living with the disease but don’t have access to the health care system or don’t have an accurate diagnosis.”
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Moreover, the information collected through medical claims is collected for payment and reimbursement purposes, not for research, so it is not possible to understand factors that may be causing disparities, she added.
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Newman noted that the study population consisted exclusively of seniors enrolled in Medicare fee-for-service care, i.e. traditional Medicare.