State House Spending In summary, Walters says he has nothing to hide. He accuses House members of playing politics. He goes so far as to say that House Speaker Charles McCall is too focused on a possible run for governor and not telling the truth. The speaker is trying to impeach me to gain political advantage in the 2026 gubernatorial election. So let’s start the impeachment proceedings. State Superintendent of Education Ryan Walters on Friday took on a new fight, this time against one of Oklahoma’s most powerful politicians, House Speaker Charles McCall. Walters accused the Speaker of playing politics after he authorized an investigation into the state Department of Education’s spending. I have provided them with a record amount of information. I will continue to provide their office with a record amount of information and documents. The House wants the investigation to be handled by law. The Legislative Office of Financial Transparency. The agency has told us it is willing to address this. But Walters says there is no need for that. Walters maintains that previous investigations have found no wrongdoing by his department. However, the Loft report released in June of this year stated that OSD did not take advantage of numerous federal grants intended for schools. The superintendent maintains that the expenditure and allocation of funds in his department is fair and he wants to prove it in a public impeachment proceeding. I want Oklahomans to know everything my department is doing. I want Oklahomans to see everything that goes on in this statehouse. So, if this is the objective, I welcome the process starting on Monday. A spokesperson for House Speaker Charles McCall said he plans to make a statement but has not yet released it. Importantly, despite what Walters may have said today, Charles McCall has not yet declared his candidacy for governor. Walters was also asked if he plans to run for governor, but said he is focused on his current position: state superintendent. Report
House Speaker Charles McCall responded to Ryan Walters’ call to begin impeachment proceedings.
“As Speaker of the House I will stand my ground and will not overturn the will of the people, no matter what is asked of me,” McCaul said in a statement.
Oklahoma House Speaker Charles McCall responded to State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters’ comments after he called for impeachment proceedings to begin. Walters held a press conference Friday calling for McCall to begin impeachment proceedings after House Republicans called for an investigation into Walters for failing to comply with lawmakers, communicate with them and respond to open records requests. McCall released a statement in response to Walters, saying he would not begin impeachment proceedings. “As Speaker of the House, I will stand my ground. No matter what demands are made, I will not overturn the will of the people,” McCall said in a statement. “While Superintendent Walters may want to pursue a path to impeachment for himself, my focus remains on the LOFT investigation into the Oklahoma Department of Education. This investigation is about ensuring taxpayer money is allocated appropriately, not about targeting individuals. It is important to understand why school districts are not receiving the funding they need,” he said. “My advice to Superintendent Walters is to prioritize putting resources into Oklahoma schools and improving the state’s education rankings, rather than engaging in political theater.”Earlier this week, House Republicans circulated a letter calling for the creation of a committee to investigate Walters. More than 20 House Republicans signed the letter, but House Speaker Charles McCall said he would not consider the request until the letter had at least 51 signatures. State Rep. Mark McBride, the author of the letter, said he doesn’t think 51 signatures is achievable, but will continue to collect signatures as long as people sign them. On Thursday, state Rep. Kevin Wallace announced that the Legislative Financial Transparency Office would open an investigation into concerns about Oklahoma Department of Education spending. McCall authorized the LOFT investigation. In a statement, LOFT Chairman Kevin Wallace said he would investigate the appropriation concerns raised by both citizens and legislators regarding funds. “In my capacity as chairman, I intend for LOFT to investigate appropriation concerns raised by both citizens and legislators regarding funds allocated to OSDE for specific purposes. This is not an issue for Superintendent Walters, it is an issue of state agency transparency and answerability to constituents,” Wallace said. TOP STORIES State Superintendent Ryan Walters calls for impeachment proceedings to begin against McCall and McBrideDangerous missing person advisory issued for 34-year-old woman last seen Wednesday in Oklahoma CityLarge fire and multiple firefighters battling blaze at Dollar Tree warehouse in MariettaTIMELINE: Oklahoma could be hit again by severe storms with threat of high winds on FridayOklahoma City Police appoints Ron Basie as new chief following retirement of Wade Gourley
Oklahoma City —
Oklahoma State Assembly Speaker Charles McCall responded to education leader State Superintendent Ryan Walters after he called for impeachment proceedings to begin.
Walters held a press conference on Friday calling for impeachment proceedings to be launched against McCaul after House Republicans called for an investigation into him for failing to follow instructions from lawmakers, failing to contact lawmakers and failing to respond to open records requests.
McCaul released a statement in response to Walters saying he would not initiate impeachment proceedings.
“As Speaker of the House, I will stand my ground. No matter what the demands, I will not overturn the will of the people,” McCall said in a statement. “While Superintendent Walters may want to pursue a path of impeachment, my focus remains firmly on the LOFT investigation of the Oklahoma State Department of Education. This investigation is designed to ensure taxpayer dollars are allocated appropriately and is not targeting any individuals. It is essential that we understand why school districts are not receiving the funding they need.”
“My advice to Superintendent Walters is to prioritize putting resources into Oklahoma’s schools and improving the state’s education rankings rather than engaging in political theater.”
Earlier this week, House Republicans circulated a letter calling for the creation of a committee to investigate Walters.
More than 20 House Republicans have signed the letter, but House Speaker Charles McCall said he won’t consider the request until the letter has at least 51 signatures. The letter’s author, state Rep. Mark McBride, said he doesn’t think he’ll get to 51 signatures, but he’ll keep collecting signatures as long as people are willing to sign them.
On Thursday, state Rep. Kevin Wallace announced that the Legislative Financial Transparency Office would begin investigating concerns about spending at the Oklahoma Department of Education. McCall authorized the LOFT investigation.
LOFT Chairman Kevin Wallace said in a statement that the agency will look into concerns about spending of funds raised by both the public and legislators regarding funds earmarked for specific purposes to OSDE.
“As chair, I intend to have LOFT investigate the expenditure concerns raised by both citizens and legislators regarding funds allocated to OSDE for specific purposes. This is not an issue for Supervisor Walters, it’s an issue of transparency from state agencies and getting answers to constituents,” Wallace said.
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