Jasveen Sangha, known as the “Ketamine Queen of Los Angeles,” boasted a lavish lifestyle before she was arrested for her role in the death of “Friends” star Matthew Perry.
According to the New York Post, Sangha described himself as a “celebrity drug dealer” with “luxury items” and frequently shared photos of his lavish lifestyle on social media. Reports said Sangha took numerous lavish trips, including to Mexico, Spain, Italy, Greece, Japan, France, Dubai and Antigua. Prosecutors charged that Sangha lived a lavish lifestyle with “total indifference to the fact that ketamine killed people,” according to the New York Post. Sangha’s Instagram page is filled with luxury items with an emphasis on appearance, and several people who knew him have come forward to share details about his lifestyle.
According to the New York Post, prosecutors allege her lavish lifestyle included renting a home in North Hollywood for “thousands of dollars a month” and driving a Range Rover that she recently traded in for a 2024 BMW.
“Given the defendant’s lifestyle and expenses, she has the financial means to flee,” prosecutors argued in a motion to keep Sangha in custody.
Sangha’s friends say she was “obsessed” with her appearance and regularly underwent Botox treatments and infusions to promote her “natural health.” Federal agents allege she took pride in working as a drug dealer for several celebrities, according to the New York Post.
“Although the defendant also sold methamphetamine, magic mushrooms and other drugs, he specialized in ketamine, which he routinely sold and represented himself as a known drug dealer with high-quality product,” court documents state, according to the New York Post.
The 41-year-old dual US-British national had seemed “carefree” since Perry’s death and had been enjoying a party-filled lifestyle in the days before his arrest.
“If anything, she has become more outgoing in recent months,” a longtime friend told The Post.
“She seemed so carefree, like she didn’t have a care in the world. She was always going out to parties or dinners or just hanging out. She knew what was coming, but she put on a brave face. She acted like it was no big deal.”
The suspected drug dealer is one of five people arrested in connection with Perry’s death and is accused of providing the ketamine that led to the famous actor’s death on October 28, 2023.
She was charged in an 18-count additional indictment that made headlines Thursday, including conspiracy to distribute ketamine, forgery and other drug trafficking charges, according to the New York Post.
She pleaded not guilty, but a judge held her without bail while she awaits trial.
According to the New York Post, police searched her home on March 19 and found “approximately three pounds of counterfeit methamphetamine pills, 79 vials of ketamine, ketamine powder, 2,127 grams of Xanax pills, psilocybin mushrooms and cocaine.” (Related article: Police arrest multiple people in connection to Matthew Perry’s death)
She also “possessed drug trafficking paraphernalia, including money counters, scales covered in drug residue, traffic light and hidden camera detectors, other drug paraphernalia, a drug ledger and a firearm registered to the defendant’s boyfriend,” the motion states.