Every Sunday, Claire Comstock Gay will be hosting a horoscope as Madame Clairvoyant, sharing the weekly horoscope for each sign.
Jennifer Lopez, Leo.
Photo illustration: The Cut, Photo: Getty Images
On Sunday, the Full Moon in Capricorn highlights all the hard work you’ve been doing lately. Your job now is to be calm and unsentimental as you reflect on the progress you’ve made and start thinking about where you can go from here. Then, early Monday morning, the Sun enters dramatic, creative Leo. Don’t let yourself fade into the background and make yourself small next month. You may not be the protagonist of the universe, but you are at the center of your own life and you are allowed to shine. Finally, on Thursday night, communication planet Mercury enters Virgo, where it will remain for the next three weeks. Your thinking is clear and analytical, but be careful not to lose sight of the bigger picture. In the meantime, see your weekly horoscope for each sign below.
You’re used to having things your own way, not because you’re overbearing or arrogant, but because you’re confident. You have the self-confidence needed to live the life you want, the way you want, without waiting for others’ permission or blessing. But this week it feels like everyone’s always meddling in your affairs and scrutinizing (and criticizing) your actions. You don’t normally like to show off for the benefit of others, but now it might be worth making the extra effort to show your good side, which can save you unnecessary trouble later.
You know how to build your own home, furnish a comfortable living space, and structure your daily activities in a way that works for you. But at this time, you may be yearning for a deeper sense of belonging. You need a private space, but also a community, where you feel at home. You dream of a social circle that will wholeheartedly hold you up and support you. Spend extra time strengthening your bonds with others. Deep and treasured friendships can take root now, if you’re willing to make the effort.
Your resourcefulness is one of the most underrated traits. People don’t always realize how good you are at multitasking or how to make the most of limited resources. Still, it’s exhausting. You wish you were given enough to begin with, instead of squeezing every last drop out of scarce supplies. Thankfully, you may find that limitations inspire your creativity and force you to invent in fun ways. Bold thinking and unconventional problem solving can help you achieve near miracles. Others may underestimate you, but don’t underestimate yourself. Now is not the time to be defeatist.
You are very conscious of the fact that others are suffering and have fewer resources than you, so meeting your own needs will often feel like a selfish act. You will want to give what you have to those in need rather than hoarding it all for yourself, but remember that it’s not all or nothing. Try to find a balance that works for you. Practice giving what you can without burning out and receiving what you need without feeling guilt. You’re in this work for the long haul, so find a sustainable path forward.
Life has been a mess and a mess lately. No matter how hard you try, it’s hard to stay grounded. You’re so busy putting out fire after fire and pivoting from one direction to the next that you don’t have the energy to focus on what’s really important. This week, you finally have a chance to reconnect with your purpose. You weren’t put on this earth just to react to the problems that are put in front of you. You’re in the driver’s seat, so muster the courage and confidence you need to act like it.
Over time, our living space becomes cluttered, our schedules filled with obligations, our hearts tied to old loves and unable to make new connections. Don’t forget how important it is to clear out what no longer serves you. Get rid of the clothes you never wear again, stop doing the activities you don’t love, stop spending time with people who don’t make you feel good. There’s not enough time in the day to do everything, so make sure you prioritize. And leave space for the good stuff to come.
If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard lately – denying yourself while taking care of others, or taking on so much work that you can’t take a break – this week will make that very clear. You may run out of fuel in the short term, but it’s not sustainable. What you need to do now is replenish your depleted emotional reserves. Say no to social invitations that will only drain you further, practice setting boundaries at work, and ask the people in your life to take care of you for once. You don’t have to do everything you’re asked to do. Say no to a change of pace.
The more chaotic our daily lives are, the harder it is to take a long-term view. We’re good at dealing with the little problems that come our way every day, but we often don’t have the energy left to dream big. Now is the time to think about the future. What kind of world do we want to live in? What kind of community do we want to be a part of? What kind of life can we say we’ve lived? Make time to ask yourself the big questions, and they will help guide your daily life.
You are more adventurous than most people, but sometimes you fear change. Maybe it’s because you’ve been stuck in a rut, experienced some hardships, or maybe you’ve grown used to the way things are. If life has felt boring lately, your challenge now is to step out of your routine. Let yourself be amazed by the world and its people, and let your imagination lead you. It’s never too late to make a big change, take a risk, and carve out a new path to a meaningful life.
Most of the time, you’re happy to put your head down and do your job. You know when you’re doing a good job, and you don’t need constant affirmation from others. That’s enough. But everyone needs external validation from time to time. And right now, you may be especially craving confirmation that the people around you care about you, that they’re paying attention to you, and that they value your contributions. Don’t take too much pride in expressing your needs. It can be embarrassing to ask for recognition, but sometimes it’s the only way to get it.
It can be hard to determine the exact line between being assertive and pushing others, or between accommodating the needs of your loved ones and suppressing your own. Equitable relationships don’t come naturally, they require effort. Now is a good time to put in the work of listening, communicating, and negotiating a system that works for everyone. People around you may be annoying right now, but your frustrations won’t last forever. You can get what you need, give lots of love, and receive it in return.
You are less concerned with life’s more practical concerns. You’re not ignorant or flighty, you’re just troubled by deeper issues. Lately, in particular, you’ve been thinking not about making money or doing the dishes, but about love, the future, and the nature of the universe. Still, mundane tasks require attention, and this is a good week to get those done. You’ll find more satisfaction than usual in taking care of small, everyday chores. You might even find your thoughts about the bigger picture become clearer.
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Read your weekly horoscope for the week of July 14. The weekly horoscope for the week of July 28 will be published online next Sunday.
Buy Clare Comstock Gay’s book, Madame Clairvoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.